
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? Matthew 7:3  In case you were needing a Lego visual… I do not know what a plank in the eye would feel like, but it sounds painful and blinding.  I was going …

A Gamble

Matt and I are always in awe of how wrapped up fans can get in sports.  We just cannot grasp the rioting and fights that break out.  I understand emotional investment in sport because I have been having annual heart attacks watching the San Antonio Spurs since 1999.  I’m sure I watched some Spurs games …

Food Matters

I recently watched a documentary called “Food Matters”.  The film argues for more vitamins, less drugs, better food.  The “pill for every ill” mantra is one I’m guilty of ignorantly adopting.  Not that a pop a ton of pills, I just trust that whatever the doctor gives me will be good stuff.  One doctor in …

Chasing Happy

My neighbor is doing something called #100happydays, where she posts things/sights/people that make her happy.  In turn, it makes me happy, so I like her idea.  There are so many people who are happy despite their poverty, their war-torn surroundings, their seemingly miserable conditions.  Here in the land of the free and home of the …

5 Years from Today

Good morning!  Inspiration is the word of the day.  Don’t expect a word of the day everyday.  I don’t want to submit to that precedent.  But today, there’s a word.  My swimming days were either exploding with inspiration or miserable repetitions.  But what I recall the most now are those days of abounding inspiration.  I …

Not enough

  Do you ever wonder if you’re doing enough?  Enough for whom you ask?  Enough for God who is said to have created you for a purpose.  It’s been a question I’ve asked myself my entire life. Sometimes it’s driven me to do too much.  Matt and I listened to a sermon this morning by …